Latina Authors & Their Muses
Diana is featured in the anthology, Latina Authors And Their Muses, edited by Mayra Calvani. The anthology, which highlights 40 respected Latina authors including Alisa Valdes and Margo Candela, hopes to inspire future generations of Latina writers.
An inspirational, entertaining, and informative book focusing on the craft of writing and the practical business of publishing, one that provides aspiring authors with the nuts and bolts of the business.
Enjoy an excerpt from Diana:
“I actually don’t believe in muses. I know a lot of writers believe that they are vessels and that their stories are channeled through them, but that’s never been my perception. I love writing, but I work hard at it. I never wait for inspiration to strike. I believe in writing every day (or almost every day), and if need be, you can always tear up that terrible page tomorrow.”

Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories
You are not alone.
If you haven’t read Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories, now is the time to delve into the troubled teenage years of many of your favorite YA authors. Diana is one of 70 authors whose personal stories are featured in this highly regarded anthology.
Her essay, “Strangers on the Street,” was chosen as the only essay from Dear Bully to be used as part of Scholastic’s READ 180 reading intervention program. It will be featured in a Student Work book that will be used in classrooms nationwide to prompt discussions on bullying.
Enjoy an excerpt from Diana:
“A couple years ago, while I was planning my wedding, I came face-to-face with the girl who destroyed my life in sixth grade. She stopped me on the street, sweet as candy, and asked how I was doing. She cooed over my engagement ring, inquired about where I was working, and asked how my parents were doing. Everything was smiles and hugs. She was thrilled to have “run into me.”
I’d like to tell you that I was happy to see her too, that I was delighted she was doing great at her job, and that I was genuinely sincere when I wished her well with her own wedding plans. I know that was what I was supposed to be feeling. (It was what I said, after all. You know, the “right” thing, the “polite” thing.) But I didn’t mean a word of it. A little piece of me still hopes her hair falls out one day…”