Upcoming Events
June 12 – 15, 2025 – STOKERCON® 2025 in Stanford, CT
Diana will be participating in book signings and panels at StokerCon, the premiere horror literary convention presented by the Horror Writers Association.
June 30, 2025 9 – 10 am, American Library Association (ALA) Conference in Philadelphia
In this diverse panel of young adult horror authors, we will discuss the benefits of horror for younger readers, including reluctant readers, and why libraries should maintain a strong collection of YA horror books. Panelists include Diana, Adam Cesare, Nicole Wolverton, Vincent Tirado, and Sami Ellis.
August 16th, 2025 – Dark Ink at The Doylestown Bookshop
Diana will be a panelist at DARK INK, a thrilling day of horror featuring renowned authors. Attendees have access to panels, a story doctor workshop, book signings, and signed books.
September 13, 2025 – Spooktastic Book Fair at the Framingham Public Library in Framingham,MA. Diana will be a panelist joining 40+ authors ranging from creepy kidlit to adult horror, plus four publishers, several vendors of mysterious items, and a brewery!
A NOTE FROM DIANA ABOUT SCHOOL EVENTS: I enjoy sharing my passion for creative writing at middle schools, high schools, and libraries. My aim is to inspire students to pursue their passions, whatever they may be. I also enjoy teaching some of what I’ve learned as a professional author to help them find their own voice in life.
Writing Workshops

Finding Inspiration…: A Creative Writing Workshop
Diana currently offers a one-hour Creative Writing Workshop where students collaborate to create an outline for a new story based on their ideas and using descriptions of all five senses. The workshop is very interactive and includes handouts featuring writing tools designed by the author. All of the ideas for the group story come from the students themselves, thus inspiring their creativity and allowing them to learn about the writing process from a professional author.
Diana has previously conducted this workshop at Kensington High School in Philadelphia; Ridley Township Library; Springton Lake Middle School in Media, PA; and J.P.McCaskey High School in Reading, PA, among others. Read about her recent visit to Academy Park High School.

Assembly-Style Presentation
Diana also offers an assembly-style presentation followed by a Q&A. Typically, this presentation focuses on how she became an author, along with the perks and challenges of pursuing a writing profession. But it can be tailored to your group’s needs. She’s spoken about her Hispanic heritage and the need for teens to read for pleasure at a Maryland Teacher’s Conference, and she’s discussed the importance of self-motivation to an Honor Roll Assembly in an inner-city high school. Diana is happy to work with you to create a presentation that will engage your audience.
All presentations can be followed with a book signing. Hear Diana discuss her publishing journey.
What educators and organizers say about Diana’s visits…
“Thank you so much for coming in to work with our students. We all enjoyed it and the students told us that they really enjoyed hearing about your process… [We] would love to work with you again. In the meantime, I will read another of your books and will anxiously await Anastasia’s continuing adventures.“
—Rachel E. Nichols, Ed. D., Gifted Support Teacher, Bala Cynwyd Middle School
“Thank you so much again for your time, energy, and expertise. The kids responded really well, and we have lots of ideas.”
—Leah Falk, Program Coordinator, Rutgers University Writers House, Camden
“Mighty thanks to you for presenting your book Proof of Lies to the West Teen Scholars group… Bonus credit for staying late to answer kids’ questions one-on-one, and for engaging and sharing feedback when students read aloud their Mighty leadership essays.”
—Christina Rissell, Mentorship Coordinator, Mighty Writers, Inc., Philadelphia
Schedule a visit!
For more information about Diana’s Creative Writing Workshops and Assembly programs, along with rates and scheduling information, please contact Diana!
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If you are an educator who would like Diana to visit your school or conference, please send her an email at: diana dot wallach at yahoo dot com.